
– President: The Vice Chancellor of Organization of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages.
–Secretary: The Director of the Quality and Accreditation Area.
o The Vice Chancellor for Planning, Academic Offering and Digital transformation.
o The Vice Chancellor for Employment and Permanent Training.
o The manager
o The Director of the Doctoral School.
o One representative of the Directors and the Directors o Deans and Deans in the center.
o A representative of the Department Directors
o One or a representative of the Institute Directors Research University
o One or a representative of the students.
o The Head of the Quality and Foresight Assessment Service.
o One representative of the Teaching and Research Staff expert in the quality field.
o One or a member of the Social Council.
Fields of action
- Advise on communication and participation in joint promotion and recruitment actions;
- Approve joint institutional communication actions;
- Coordinate institutional communication actions.
- Review the use of the institutional image;
- Manage crisis communication in situations that require its activation;
- Any other function that may be assigned in the field of communication of the Universitat Politècnica de València.