From the Vice-Rectorate for the Organization of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages of the UPV, a campaign of the Quality Policy and Objectives of the UPV was carried out on May 11, 18 and 25 at its Vera, Gandía and Alcoi campuses. The main objective of this initiative was to give visibility to the Objectives and Quality Policy of the university, as well as its initiatives. To this end, a simple questionnaire was implemented and those who completed it had the option of receiving a gift related to the campaign.
The response from the university community was very positive, with a total of 600 responses from students, administrative and service staff, and teaching and research staff. The campaign not only allowed to collect data of interest through the surveys, but also provided an opportunity to promote awareness of the importance of the Objectives and Quality Policy of the Universitat Politècnica de València. Through this initiative, dialogue and collaboration among the university community is sought, in order to improve and maintain high quality standards in the institution.

Vera Campus

Gandía Campus

Alcoy Campus