
–President: The Vice Rector for the Organization of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages.
–SecretaryThe Director of the Area of Quality and Accreditation of Degrees.
o The Vice Chancellor for Planning, Academic Offering and Digital Transformation.
o The Vice-Chancellor for Employment and Lifelong Learning.
o The Manager.
o The Director of the Doctoral School.
o A representative of the Center Directors, Deans and Deans of Centers.
o A representative of the Department Directors.
o A representative of the Directors of the University Research Institute.
o A student representative.
o The Head of the Quality Assessment and Foresight Service.
o One or one representative of the Teaching and Research Staff with expertise in the field of quality.
o Un o una miembro del Consejo Social.
o One or one technical person from the Evaluation, Quality and Accreditation Service, which reports organizationally and administratively to the Vice-Rector’s Office for the Organization of Studies, Quality, Accreditation and Languages.
Fields of action
–1.To assume responsibility for the Quality Management System of the Services of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
–2.To assume the responsibility of the Quality Management System of the Official Degrees of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
–3.Approve quality assessment methods and instruments.
–4.Define annual quality and excellence objectives and monitor their achievement.
–5.Propose modifications to the operating regulations of the Quality Commission of the Universitat Politècnica de València, as well as its structure and operation.
Access the agreements here: