Title management report

Based on the results report explained below, the qualitative information (Suggestions, Complaints and Compliments (SQF System) and external evaluation, verification, monitoring and accreditation reports) and any other information that allows identifying areas for improvement, the CAT prepares the Degree Management Report, which includes:

  • The composition of the CAT.
  • Report of results, analysis of results and compliance with established goals.
  • Qualitative analysis of the functioning of the degree: strengths and weaknesses.
  • Analysis of external evaluation reports. Suggestions, complaints and compliments received.
  • The results of the implementation of the improvements.

The Title Management Report provides the following output information:

  1. Definition of objectives and goals of the degree.
  2. Actions to improve the degree based on the analysis of the information.

The degree management report is approved by the ERT through its collegiate bodies and sent to the CC for review. Both the Management Report and the result of the review by the CC are made public in the Reports section of the degree websites.

Title Results Report

Annually, the SIGCTi provides the ERTs and CATs with quantitative information through the UPV Information System (Mediterranean) in the so-called Degree Results Report. This includes:

Teaching activity indicators
  • Teaching activity index DAI.
  • Rate of PDI doctor.
  • Rate of full-time teaching and research staff
Research activity indicators
  • Research activity index IAI
Demand indicators
  • Enrollment rate.
  • Supply and demand rate
Education quality indicators
  • Graduation rate.
  • Rate of return.
  • Dropout rate.
  • Efficiency rate.
Internationalization indicators
  • Number of exchange students received.
  • Percentage of graduate students who have carried out academic exchanges.
  • Percentage of students of foreign nationality (excluding mobility programs)
Occupancy indicators
  • Percentage of graduate students who have completed internships.
  • Percentage of non-unemployed (survey 3 years after graduation).
  • Self-efficacy at three years of age.
Stakeholder satisfaction indicators
  • Average satisfaction of the teaching staff with the management of the degree.
  • Average student satisfaction with the management of the degree.
  • Average student satisfaction with the teaching given in the degree.
  • Average satisfaction of the graduate with the training received.
  • Average satisfaction of the graduate with the training received after three years.