Theatrical performance of the Performing Arts Classroom UPV
Circle Theater. Prudenci Alcón i Mateu Street 3, Bajo (Valencia)
16 and 17 June 2023 at 20 h.
18 June 2023 at 7 p.m.
Carmen, a woman in her sixties with a heart condition, lives alone in a ramshackle apartment in what until now has been a poor area of the city, but property prices have skyrocketed lately. The building she lives in has been bought by a real estate company and she has been ordered to vacate. Carmen ignores the order and goes on with her life, as usual, doing theater.
The play begins with the entrance of Pepe, her neighbor, who comes to warn her of the imminent eviction. Carmen waits for him to, as always, go over rehearse with him the Balcony scene from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
In the meantime, people begin to arrive to be present at the eviction.
Among the visitors are press journalists, people from neighborhood NGOs, squatters, a representative of the City Council, a lawyer and who knows who else.
When they learn that Carmen and Pepe are rehearsing the balcony scene, it turns out that they are all enthusiastic about the scene and, for various reasons, know it by heart. At Carmen and Pepe’s rehearsal, everyone joins in, taking on the roles and acting their own way until the police arrive for the final act.
- Cast: Carmen Bachiller, Nayara Blazquez, María Callejo, Jaime Cereijo, Delfina Espina, Víctor Martínez, Ricardo Meliá, Andrea Ortiz, Coté Oyarzún, Armando Ribera, Ma Ángeles Sanjuan, Eduardo Tormo, Aida Sanz
- Dramaturgy: Rusell DiNapoli, Marc Brell i Lopez
- Script: Rusell DiNapoli
- Management: Marc Brell i López
- Technical team: Fede Ceca, Iana Malynka
- Production and graphic design: Iana Malynka