Towards a New Scientific Culture II

Participates in the II Conference “Towards a New Scientific Culture

In the second edition of the Conference Towards a New Scientific Culture we want to prioritize dynamics of empathy through workshops, conferences and debates. The program is divided into three phases and the activities will take place in different places: the auditorium of the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Alumni House and the auditorium of the Nexus building.

+ info:

The Conference Towards a New Scientific Culture seeks to promote responsible research in the university community, in line with the principles of RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation): science education, gender equality, open access, governance, ethics and citizen participation, placing this objective in the context of the new law on universities and its regulatory change to introduce citizen science in university research processes. From the institution it is important to promote, formalize, structure and internalize these principles, so that the coordinated effort of researchers can transform society and meet the great challenges.   UPV_RRI WORKSHOPSRegistration for the workshops is free and will be open until two weeks before the start of the conference. You can choose to attend one session, two sessions or all three sessions.

  • Workshop on empathy and challenge definition for members of the UPV;(June 19)
  • Workshop on empathy and definition of challenges with UPV staff and students and social associations;(June 20)
  • Online workshop on empathy and challenge definition with UPV staff and students and social associations;(June 26)
  •   Workshop on ideation and prototyping with UPV staff and students. (July 17)
  •   Online ideation and prototyping workshop with UPV staff and students and social associations (July 18)
  • Final workshop. Test of the workshops carried out;(October 17)on-site

The workshops will be led by Irene Lapuente of La Mandarina de Newton   

REGISTRATIONRegistration is free and will be open until the first day of the conference. It will be done in the Permanent Training Center through the following link, for which you must create a user;

Link to the registration platform: Registration 

If you have any problems with your registration, please contact:

PROGRAM. See the complete program of the conference: Here