Intellectual property in cultural industries

Intellectual property in the cultural industries: the present and future of copyright

From 4 to 6 July 2022 
FORMAT: On line – 10 hours

Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 July 2022, from 10 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Dimecres 6 de juliol de 2022, de 10 a 13 h.

This course aims to provide an overview of the functioning of copyright and the content of the regulations governing intellectual property. Special attention will be paid to the plastic arts sector and new technological formats. The exposition will be eminently practical, based on concrete case studies that allow a better assimilation of the concepts and ideas addressed.

PROFESSOR: Marta Suárez-Mansilla
Marta is a lawyer and researcher specialized in art and culture law as well as cultural manager. Her career focuses on legal consultancy in the field of culture and the art market, as well as cultural management in different areas, particularly in the contemporary art sector. Nowadays he directs the specialized consultancy in Art and Culture Law:


  • Structure of the author’s rights. Differences between artistic disciplines. The IP Registry. Limits and uses. Publishing contracts.
  • Cases of conflict and possible solutions.
  • Creative commons and licenses of use.
  • IP and new technologies. Cryptoart and NFTs. Artificial intelligence and contemporary art. Case studies, main problems and current solutions.


  • Exposure through PPT presentations
  • Use of videos and other didactic resources
  • Delivery of reading material and dossiers selected by the teacher.


  • Artists and creators
  • Cultural management professionals
  • Professionals in the art market and cultural industries (publishers, promoters)
  • Owners of collections and art funds
  • Advisors and representatives of artists
  • Gestors de marketplaces d’obres d’art