Concert of the Chamber Group with ESMAR and MEVART on 10 de maig de 2023 a les 17.00 h
Alfons Roig Auditorium. Faculty of Fine Arts, UPV
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On Tuesday, May 10th, the Polytechnic University of Valencia offers a concert of the UPV Chamber Group, directed by Francisco J. Valero and accompanied by a videoart session conducted remotely by the users of the Association of Relatives of Alzheimer’s Disease of Valencia (AFAV) and the Associació de Familiars i Persones amb Alzheimer i altres Demències de Canals (AFA Canals).
A project on new technologies with collaborative and individual sound, music and visual therapies for neurodegenerative diseases (CIAICO/2022/60) directed by Jorge Sastre (ITEAM) i Núria Lloret (IDF).
The UPV Chamber Group. Violins: Nerea Andrés, Lluna Ruiz, Sandra Montalt, Andrea Boronat i Julia Rodrigo. Viols: Alexandre Tormos and Berta de Sales. Cellos: Arnau Vila, Rita Noverques, Rita Jiménez and Lucas Martínez.
- “A la llima i al llimó” by Manuel Quiroga Ruth dels Reis, soprano. AFAV: video creation Soundcool a distància
- “Cinc Fanals” by Juan Solano Ruth dels Reis, soprano. AFA Canals: remote Soundcool video creation
- “Quartet per a corda en Fa major, Op. 41. Allegro” by Robert Schumann AFAV: video creation Soundcool a distància
- “Cinema Paradiso” d’Ennio Morricone Francisco J. Valero, violí; Jorge Balanzá, piano. AFA Canals: Remote Soundcool video creation
- “Elastics” by Francisco J. Valero Francisco J. Valero, violí; Jorge Balanzá, piano; Federico Gil, vibràfon. AFA Canals: remote Soundcool video-creation
Student of the Escola Superior de Música d’Alt Rendiment. ESMAR
- Syndesi Duo Neus Llinares i Laura Cariñena “Suite for Flute and Piano” by Claude Bolling I. Baroque and Blue; II. Sentimentale; III. Irlandaise; IV. Veloce
- Meraki Saix Quartet Álvaro Madrigal, Óscar Orenga, Miguel Pacheco and Pepe Monroig “Recitation book V. Fanfare Variations on Durch Adams Fall“by David Maslanka and “Cities (Cordoba – Tokyo – Addis Ababa)“by Guillermo Lago
Artistic director: Francisco José Valero García
With the collaboration of the Conservatori Superior de Dansa Nacho Duato and the group Creared Escena.
Choreography: Carmen GiménezDance: Alumni CSDV Nacho Duato