Queer Models. Twisted Self-Representations
Fine Arts Classroom B-0-2 (Building 3N) UPV
Workshop 1: Wednesday, 26th of April, 2023. From 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Practical-theoretical workshop on resistances and queer identity representations and radical drag by Anna Maria Staiano.
From a transfeminist perspective we encourage people to question the gender binary system and create new queer representations to transform society and make it more inclusive.
Workshop 2: Thursday, 27th of April, 2023. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Practical-theoretical workshop on performative practices related to gender and the construction of alter egos;by Anna Maria StaianoThe event will include a portrait session of the participants, made by the visual artist Martin Kámen.
Graham Bell Tornado collaborates in these two workshops.
The collaborative process of the workshops and the portrait sessions will be documented on video and the results of the workshop will be part of the exhibition “Queer Models” at the UPV: