Aula Teatro. Open Doors

Open Doors: Theater Workshop Mutual Support

Tuesday, February 28th, 2023

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Venue: Rehearsal hall (building 9F)

Free admission until full capacity is reached

One more year, Open Doors, exhibits the work of the actors and actresses of the Theater Workshop 1 who want to make the public participate in their “creative process”. It is not a question of finished works, but a sample of incipient pieces that can end up in consolidated works. The proposed theme is that of MUTUAL SUPPORT and, from there have come four short pieces that in one way or another reflect that often forgotten notion of a world that prefers to impose the Darwinian way, in which the survival of the fittest is imposed in all aspects of life.  In You who can, turn around we see how an umbrella, passed from one hand to another, serves as a lifeline between people whose existences are adrift. In Home sweet home life’s outcasts help each other to stay afloat, and their example has a powerful effect on someone who lives only for herself; The prodigal daughter reveals the necessary support of those who have less to rescue a helpless woman from misery. And finally One too many explores how sometimes seemingly seedy people can rescue unprotected people.

Vicky Algarra (Director of the Performing Arts Classroom of the UPV)


  • You who can, turn around. Aida Sanz, Mª Jose Oyarzún, Concha Daud and Juan Vicente Lopez.
  • Home sweet home. María Callejo, Mª José Ferri, Ricardo Meliá, Daniel Rubio and Juan Vicente Lopez.
  • The prodigal daughter. Pilar Martinez, Mª Ángeles  Sanjuan, Carmen Bachiller y Eduardo Tormo
  • One too many. Aida Sanz and Mª José Oyarzún

DIRECTION: Russell DiNapoli

PRODUCTION: Vicky Algarra

Poster design, videos and photos: Iana Malinka