Illuminates the Past

Conference-talks “Illuminate the Past. The IRP with the Community”.

On the first Thursday of each month, from January through July 2023

Time: from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.

Location: Cultural center “La llotgeta”. in Plaça del mercat n 4 of Valencia

Caring for heritage entails not only preserving but above all ILLUMINATING that memory, clarifying the understanding of those meanings and, thus, increasing the culture they support. Therein lies the ultimate purpose of all restoration.

This project consists of promoting the dissemination and enhancement of the heritage conservation and restoration actions being carried out by researchers at the University Institute of Heritage Restoration (IRP) of the UPV, as well as opening a forum for discussion and debate about them with the public. The IRP is composed of interdisciplinary teams of researchers who work mainly on the conservation and restoration of the historical and artistic heritage of the Valencian Community. It is a cultural project that brings together art, science, technology and society, as a conference will be held in a cultural space in the center of Valencia (La Llotgeta) on a monthly basis (first Thursday of each month) and open to the public to inform and discuss together the various actions of restoration and conservation of the Valencian cultural heritage. The general objective of the conference is twofold, on the one hand, to bring the IRP closer to the public and on the other hand, to bring the public closer to the IRP. Showing and valuing the interdisciplinary work that is done through the fusion of disciplines such as art, restoration and conservation, architecture, engineering, chemistry, biology …. It also aims to involve the public in the actions that are being carried out to make the IRP’s research and interventions more socially sustainable. ___________________

No registration required

The conference can be followed STREAMING through IRP’s youtube channel: