Projecting change

Audiovisual exhibition. Projecting change: Audiovisual creation and ecosocial crisis.

September 19, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.
UPV Fine Arts Faculty Assembly Hall

November 3, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.
Carmen Alborch Auditorium of IVAM

This idea arises from a call for audiovisual creation (R&D project: Ecological humanities and ecosocial transitions. Ethical, aesthetic and pedagogical proposals for the Anthropocene, 2020-2023), whose videos selected by a jury will be presented, in the first place, at the Conference “Projecting change: audiovisual creation and ecosocial crisis” at La Casa Encendida in Madrid.

Its main purpose is to reflect on the need for ecosocial transitions appropriate to the new scenarios of climate change, lower energy availability and ecosystemic fragility, focusing on the important role of the audiovisual medium, given the centrality of the moving image in our culture.

The main objective of this conference is, therefore, to promote and disseminate audiovisual productions -as a medium capable of revealing other ways of seeing and showing- related to ecology. For this call we bring the projection of videos to 2 spaces in the city of Valencia: La Posta Foundation (June 2022), taking advantage of its reopening; and the Alfons Roig Auditorium of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UPV (November 2022), coinciding with the environmental week.

There will be two days of projection of the audiovisuals accompanied by presentations by the organizers and other collaborators: for the La Posta Foundation, we would have the participation of a researcher from the Miguel Hernández University in the field of audiovisuals in relation to the territory; for the Auditorium, we would have a member of the production company La Cosecha (who gave a workshop on audiovisual creation, CFP -UPV, October 2021), as well as Cristina Martí Barranco, from the environmental office, UPV. The fact of projecting the videos in several spaces, responds to our goal of giving the widest possible dissemination to the audiovisual creation concerned about the ecosocial problems.

Curated by: José Luís Albelda and Lorena Rodríguez MattaliaProjecting change