Exhibition of the collective artist’s book “Sueño y Memoria” (Dream and Memory)
From June 15 to September 30, 2022
First floor glazing of building 2F
UPV Publishing Exhibition Space

The exhibition brings together original graphic work made in the Master in Artistic Production of the subject Editorial design. From the printed book to the artist’s bookgiven by Antonio Alcaraz.
Students on the part of the DREAM Domingo Cabrera, Ashley Godfrey, Alejandra Orozco, Patricia Pons, Noelia Pradas and Sofia Udovychenko.
Students on the part of the MEMORY Begoña Amat, Blanca Ayala, María Barrera, Pilar del Rio, Jacobo Estremiana, Lara Ferrer, Elías Taño, Àngels P. Núñez, María Pérez Requena, Claudia Regueiro, Gabriela Rivera, Alejandro Robaina, Paula Romero and Paula Valero.