Mining and colonialism

Gold and silver, iron and lead, lithium and coltan.

On Thursday, November 30th will be held the conference on line on “Mining and colonialism in Latin America and its cels”.

At 6.30 p.m. Spanish time, 10.30 a.m. Mexican time.

You can access through this link:

Access code: 128309

This proposal is an exploratory journey from the beginning of mining to the present day.

It is a project of visibility and reflection on coloniality and mining in Latin America. Through the narratives of those affected by mining alongside artists, historians and miners we explore the materiality on which our societies are sustained in an international meeting and a community publication that straddles artistic research, political assaults and oral memory.


  • Frega i Crema
  • Sebastian Terrones
  • Claudia Ramos (reentramats per a la vida, defensant territoris)
  • Grècia Rodríguez (Observatori de Conflictes Miners de Zacatecas)