Exhibition ‘Post-Natural Prototypes. Phytosemiotic Expressions’.

The exhibition ‘Post-Natural Prototypes. Phytosemiotic Expressions’ is part of AR(t)IBMCP, the first call of the Artists in Residence Program of the UPV, granted to Carlos Castellanos’ project.

The artist’s research alongside scientists from different laboratories of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Plants of Valencia, IBMCP (UPV-CSIC) focuses on the understanding of climate change through the application of artificial intelligence to translate the environmental stress of plants into sons. The objective is to bring science to the population and to facilitate to the scientific community the ability of art to provide different perspectives of thought. His work studies two species, Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana benthamiana, to detect changes using thermal chambers by collecting data and images of the changes that occur since the plants are planted and during their growth, thus trying to train the artificial intelligence system. One of the proposals is to attribute the sounds, using as a reference symphonies, operas and aries whose themes deal with death and the feeling of loss.

This is an artistic project with possible practical applications in an exhibition that will consist of a tour with different stages in which the visitor will be able to observe and listen in real time to the ‘gemec’ or ‘well-being’ of the plants in different situations.

Presentation of the project at Laser Talk València

Carlos Castellanos, will present this project in the third session of Laser Talk Valencia, with the collaboration of Adrián Taylor and Luis Miguel Palacio Restrepo, on Wednesday October 21, 2022 at 18.00 h. at the Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània, Sala Refrectorio.

 Comissariat: Carlos Castellanos in collaboration with the Cultural Action Area UPV

Organizers: Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana, Vicerectorat d’Art, Ciència, Tecnologia i Societat UPV, Institut de Biologia Molecular i Cel-lular de Plantes de València (IBMCP) i Facultat de Belles Arts Sant Carles

Produeix: Vicerectorat d’Art, Ciència, Tecnologia i Societat UPV

More information: AR(t)IBMCP