Museum design and production
Exhibition design has become increasingly important in museums as they have been transformed from spaces to present and conserve their collections to spaces for the transmission of knowledge in a way that is understandable and accessible to the universal public.
In the development of these new communicative environments, museums have incorporated the use of technologies and social media. However, in a technology-dependent society, this is no longer an innovative practice and museums face the challenge of creating new forms of storytelling that are able to capture the attention of visitors.
In addition, the sense of permanence of museum exhibition spaces requires a solid conceptual, technical, logistical, aesthetic and functional approach, which implies a creative process that requires the collaboration of other specialized agents, including graphic and audiovisual designers for the implementation of new museographies.
From the Art and Heritage Fund Area of the UPV, in collaboration with Bombas Gens Centre d’Arty, in the context of the distinction awarded to Valencia as World Design Capital this year 2022, we organize this Caferenciawith the aim of emphasizing the importance of professionals in this sector. Through an informal debate we will analyze the current trends in exhibition design in museums.,At the same time, we will raise the particular problems faced by university museums that, due to their particularity, in many cases do not have a space to use and are forced to seek solutions for their collections to be integrated into the daily life of the university.
Speakers: Laura Silvestre, Vice-Dean of Culture of the Faculty of Fine Arts, UPV; Pepe Beltrán, Matra museography; Fernando Ortuño, La Factoría innovació i disseny; Sandra Guimarães, Artistic Director of Bombas Gens Centre d’Art.
Moderator: Beatriz Doménech, Senior Conservation Technician of the Art and Heritage Fund Area, UPV.
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