Theater Classroom

Date: From November 24th, 2021 to June 17th, 2022
Schedule: Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – Nave de Artes Escénicas (9F)

The Aula de Teatro aims to integrate dramatic art in an academic and professional context and to serve as a space for the integral and creative development of the human being through theatrical practice. The space of the Aula is that of a Laboratory that investigates and generates new ideas and forms of development of dramatic expression and that of a Workshop where to put them into practice.

The workshop uses well-known theatrical acting methods such as those of Sanford Meisner, Michael Chekov, Uta Hagen, Stella Adler; Patsy Rodenburg, Viola Spolin, Del Close, Keith Johnstone; Augusto Boal, Jacques Lecoq and Ruth Zaporah. From them we took diverse strategies for, among other things, working with the body and the voice and other practices that help us to generate our own methodology for teamwork. From the beginning of the course, participants begin to collaborate directly in the preparation of scenes and characters, with the objective of promoting artistic development on stage through dramatic games, improvisations and preparation of monologues and scenes.

The same of the Aula de Teatro actively participate in all activities related to the production process and staging of a theatrical production such as construction, transportation and assembly of scenery, lighting, sound, costumes, etc.


From November 24th, 2021 to June 17th, 2022


Wednesdays from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Nave de Artes Escénicas (9F)

Taught by: Victoria Algarra Carrasco
Guest Professor: Russel DiNapoli