II International Festival of Urban Minimal Performances

Urban Body in Action (PAC 2020)

Date: Call for applications open until June 1st, 2020
Organized by: Elia Torrecilla with the collaboration of Miguel Molina Alarcón with the support of the Intermedia Creations Laboratory of the UPV.
Consult the rules and regulations: https://urbanbodyinaction.wixsite.com

After the wide participation of the I Edition of Minimal Urban Video Performances “Urban Body in Action”, we launch a II Edition adapted to these times of quarantine by Covid-19, in which the concept of “urban body in action” has changed.

In times of confinement, creativity flows in spurts in the face of the prohibition of free access to public space. It goes out from the house to the balcony to open intermediate ways that pass between inside and outside, between the public and the private, between the individual and the collective, between the allowed and the forbidden. The change of the usual activity, the telematic work, the lack of public contact, the restricted action, the boredom, the uncertainty, the fear…, sometimes give way to the absurd to break with routine, giving rise to viral actions that infect us through the networks to open a border between art and life, art and non-art.

By definition, confinement implies inhabiting a borderline, frontier territory, which is often exceeded, but justified by its ambiguous and unstable outline. Therefore, in this call we want to compile minimal actions, ranging from the most intimate and imperceptible to the public and visible, in its different limits. Sometimes, that border and ambiguous territory of the private and the public, between the house and the urban space, becomes the balconies; and other times, the urban space is accessed by maintaining invisible limits of distance and bodily protection in our relationship with others so as not to be infected and at the same time not to be accused of breaking the limits of what is allowed or forbidden; which leads to self-produce unsuspected unlikely performative body actions.

We are looking for short videos (maximum 2′), recorded with cell phones, cameras, webcams… in which a small performance (by artists or non-artists) that has taken place during this period of the state of alarm due to the coronavirus and during the dates of this call is recorded. Minimal street actions -performed in those displacements allowed within legality and security; minimal home actions (indoors or on the balcony); individual or collective, in physical or virtual space by telematic means…, showing minimal performative gestures in the confined life.

Call open until June 1st, 2020

More information:
