Communicators with AGENDA 2030

Date: December 10th to 22nd.
Location: online.
Before each session:

The exhibition and workshops are carried out with the support of the projects approved in the PAC 2020 and Glocal 2020 calls of the Universitat Politècnica de València.

In addition, we have the support of different centers in the UPV, specifically ETSCCP, ETSII, ETSInf and FADE and with the support of external organizations such as ACICOM, ISCOD, Sociolidarios, InteRed, DataBeers Málaga, Mesura, Inió de Periodistes Valencians, Biblioteca Valenciana Nicolau Primitiu and the invaluable support of Rebombori.

It is a workshop to present the 2030 Agenda in an original way and from the point of view of communicators of the Valencian Community and other times. The Sustainable Development Goals set out in the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations already concerned communicators of other times and continue to concern people who develop their work linked to communication.

Due to the current situation, the workshops will be held virtually through Teams. No registration is required and they are open to anyone from the UPV community and to anyone who wants to learn about the 2030 Agenda.

The workshop will be repeated in different sessions lasting approximately 1.15 hours and in some of them we will be accompanied by organizations and individuals who will speak in first person about the importance of communicating to advance the 169 goals of the 2030 Agenda.

The names of the organizations and people who will accompany us will be updated next to each workshop.

Workshop session schedule:

– Thursday 12/10 at 3.45 p.m. (Link to access the workshop:

– Tuesday 12/15 at 4.00 p.m. María Jose Picó, UJI (Link to access the workshop:

– Thursday 12/17 at 4.30 p.m.

– Friday 12/18 at 12.15 p.m. Marosa Montañés, Mediterranean Women Journalists

– Tuesday 12/22 at 10.30 a.m. Amparo Francés, ISCOD

The link to attend the workshop will be updated on the following page the day before each session: