Open days on gestures and evanescence in the urban context

Date: March 4th and 5th, 2020
Hours: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Venue: Classroom B.0.2 of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UPV

The proposed workshops seek to develop a field of reflection through which the city is understood by means of a display of artistic practices that act as mechanisms of experience.

Our will is to offer a dialectic space for artistic typologies that promote new ways of understanding cities and that, in turn, are capable of generating new, more diverse, plural and inclusive scenarios.

At a time when artistic practice in the urban context is being instrumentalized by cultural agents who ascribe their projects to the category of urban art, we propose divergent approaches to this hegemonic channel, establishing conceptual links and our own narratives with respect to urbanity, common spaces, neighborhood relations and the occupation of the territory.

The conference consists of four theoretical and practical workshops with several representative artists from the national scene: Esmeralda Gómez Galera, Fermín Jiménez Landa, Pascual Arnal and the Annaimiquel collective. Their works, as well as the proposals that will be carried out within the workshops, oscillate between different conceptions on how to interact with the public context: through strategies to subvert the transit spaces and make us stop our steps; through an awareness of the experience of walking and urban exploration; fixing our gaze on the poetics of the subtle, the minimal and the absurd; seeking complicities to question our relational patterns; or, activating and rethinking the dynamics of counter-power in public space.


March 4th, 2020
Workshop_ Strategies to inhabit the city
09:00-14:00_ Esmeralda Gómez Galera
17:00-21:00_ Fermin Jimenez Landa

March 5th, 2020
Workshop_ Complicities to build the city
09:00-14:00_ Annaimiquel
17:00-22:00_ Pascual Arnal


Write, before the conference, to:
Subject: Registration
Body: name, relationship, activity of interest, contact email address

Language of the activity: Spanish and Catalan

Organizers: Álvaro Porras Soriano and Dario Cobacho Velasco
Center for Research in Art and Environment