Date: November 27th, 2019
Time: 11.30 a.m.
Venue: Alfons Roig Auditorium. BBAA (UPV)
Free admission until full capacity is reached
Opera in two acts performed by the students of PAM “Music for Inclusion” of the school Dominicas de Paterna, as a result of the Erasmus+ project carried out in Italy “Aula de música: espacio de creatividad y aprendizaje” with the support and collaboration of the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia and the team Soundcool.
The result is a play based on a traditional Valencian tale that will be performed in English and Valencian using Soundcool technology, encouraging interdisciplinarity, innovation, creativity and motivation of students.
This performance will be a reduction of the original work composed by Jorge Sastre (Valencia, Spain) and Roger Dannenberg(Pittsburg, USA), which will feature professional musicians and singers and arrangements by the professor;Pablo Tronchoni.
Free admission until full capacity is reached.
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