[PAC 2019] Creative Resistances in the Age of Extinctions Workshop

Date: October 18th, 2019
Hours: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Venue: Faculty of Fine Arts (Aula B.0.3.)
Free registration (30 places)

Theoretical and practical workshop with John Jordan (Labofii)
The workshop will explore how we can escape the old forms and rituals of protest to find a space between art and activism, where the poetic and the pragmatic merge in successful moments of rebellion. The workshop will be held in English, with consecutive translation. Given the urgency of the social and ecological crisis, it is clear that everything has to be transformed and fast. For El Laboratorio de la Imaginación Insurrecta, this includes the way we make art, fight for better worlds and create new forms of life within the ruins.

John Jordan, Laboratory of the Insurrectionary Imagination (Labofii).Labelled a “domestic extremist” by the police and a “magician of rebellion” by the press, John Jordan has spent the last 25 years fusing art and activism. Working in a variety of settings, from museums to squatted social centers, international theater festivals to climate camps, he co-founded Reclaim the Streets and Clown Army. He co-edited We Are Everywhere: the irresistible rise of global anti-capitalism (Verso, 2003) and the film/book Les Sentiers de L’utopie (La Découverte, 2011). He now co-facilitates the Laboratory of the Insurrectionary Imagination (Labofii) with Isabelle Fremeaux. Known for fermenting mass disobedience by bicycle during a climate summit, throwing snowballs at bankers, launching a regatta of rebel rafts to shut down a power plant and refusing to be censored by the Tate Modern, the Labofii now lives in the ZAD of Notre-dame-des-Landes, “a lost territory for the Republic,” according to the French government, where the project for an international airport was abandoned after 50 years of struggle.

This activity can be validated by specific activities in the PhD program Art: Production and Research (UPV).


The activity will be simultaneously translated into Spanish.