January 31st to March 15th, 2020
Faculty of Fine Arts (3M building), UPV.
Inauguration: Friday, January 31st, 2020 at 11:30 a.m. in the outdoor semicircle (3M building)
Press release
#ArteYcómic This portable exhibition makes an approach to the art of comic strips or comics, as you prefer, by the hand of several Spanish authors (Ana Galvañ, Antonio Altarriba, Keko, Fermín Solís, Laura Pérez Vernetti, María Hesse, Mauro Entrialgo, Max, Pablo Auladell, Santiago García and Javier Olivares.) that, with a personal and diverse language, approach in their works the classic and contemporary art through, among others, artists such as Bosch, Velázquez, Buñuel, Frida Kahlo, Duchamp or Picasso.among others. This tour also reflects the view of the participating authors on different areas of the artistic field: exhibitions, museums, fairs, biennials, artists, curators, critics, institutions, public…
A collective exhibition made up of cartoons, comic strips and fragments of albums by several of the most relevant Spanish authors who, from different geographic points of origin or work (from different countries of origin or work), have been working in different areas of Spain.Murcia, Extremadura, Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia, the Basque Country, the Balearic Islands and Valencia.), draw with their own and diverse strokes the current panorama of comics and illustration within the national and international scene. Throughout the exhibition, various thematic threads intertwine and disperse, inviting those who enter the exhibition to build their own journey according to their own personal way of understanding and enjoying the various proposals that converge here.
The comic was born as a mass medium linked to the daily press at the end of the 19th century and has undergone a profound transformation. For a long time, a sector fully integrated in the cultural industries aimed at children and young people, and with a certain share of the publishing market for adults in the humorous or satirical field. After the proposals of the American underground comics and the vitality of some European authors and publishers in the sixties of the last century, a generation of authors of the so-called independent, alternative or avant-garde comics emerged with force in the eighties in our country, trying to make their way through fanzines, self-publishing and small independent publishing houses. With the new century came the graphic novel and also a new generation of authors, among whom the growing presence of women and initiatives such as the arrival of comics in the great art museums stand out.

Related: Do you paint or draw? A walk through the art of the hand of comics
Curator: Jorge Díez
More information: Web Acción Cultural Española AC/E
Exhibition catalog ISBN: 978-84-17265-2