[PAC 2019] Conference “Memory unearthed. The graves of Paterna”.

Dates: May 6th to 31st, 2019
Venue: Casa del Alumno, Faculty of Fine Arts and Alfons Roig Auditorium of UPV
Participation in the 54th Valencia Book Fair


Exhibition “Eyes”.by Gema López “Kuroneko”.
First floor, Student House (building 4K)
May 6 to 16, 2019

Round table “Research and scientific work at the service of memory”.
Con Amparo Belmonte and Maria Navarro of the Federation of Associations of Relatives of Victims of Franco’s regime. Fosas Paterna. Vicent Gabarda historian. Javier Iglesias forensic anthropologist of the scientific association ArqueoAntro. Guillermo Noguera The Rogle cooperative’s lawyer.
Classroom B-0-2 Faculty of Fine Arts (building 3N)
May 16 at 6:30 p.m.

Collective exhibition “Memòria desenterrada”.
Artists: Eloy Ariza, Sergi Tarín, Óscar Navarro, Eva Máñez, Carme B. Godella, Gema López and Paco Collado.
Blue Room, Faculty of Fine Arts (building 3N)
Inauguration May 16th at 6:00 p.m.
Until May 31st

María la Jabalina” Theater
With Lola López. Hongaresa Theatre Company
Alfons Roig Auditorium, Faculty of Fine Arts (building 3N)
May 30th at 7:00 p.m.

Museum of Natural Sciences, Viveros Gardens

Exhibitions “Eyes”. by Gema López “Between the silence and the earth”. by Eloy Ariza and “Memòria desenterrada”.with documents and objects belonging to the relatives of the Paterna graves.
Museum of Natural Sciences of Valencia
from April 25th to May 5th, 2019

Screening of the documentary “Les llavors que van creixent. Fossa 22”.
directed by Óskar Navarro and Sergi Tarín
Room 1 of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Valencia
May 5th at 6:00 p.m.
Round table “Unearthed Memory”.
Con Miquel Mezquida archaeologist of the ArqueoAntro Association; Lucila Aragó of Citizen Action against the Impunity of Francoism; Raül González professor and doctor in History, author of “tragèdies silenciades” and “maquis i masovers”; Verònica Roiggranddaughter of Vicente Roig Regal, buried in the fossa 128 of Paterna; Maria Navarro president of the Association of Pit 126.

Collaborators: Federación de Asociaciones de Familiares Fosa Plataforma de apoyo a la Querella Argentina – Acción ciudadana contra la impunidad del franquismo, Librería Intertècnica, Librería Primado, Arqueoantro, El Rogle, Biblioteca de la Facultad de Bellas Artes and Feria del Libro de València.