[2018-19] Non-sexist language, do you use it?

Date: May 10th to 21st, 2019
Inauguration: May 10th at 10.30 a.m.
Venue: Solidari Hall. Rectorate Building (3A)
Hours: from 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

Artists against sexist violence for an inclusive language

An exhibition and artistic intervention on the campus of the UPV raises the fight against invisible gender violence, through non-sexist language. It includes works in different languages questioning the Valencian, Spanish, English and French in their colloquial and cultured uses, as well as the use of stereotypes.

Femicide, physical aggression and sexual abuse are explicit forms of gender-based violence, while there are invisible and more subtle forms of non-explicit violence, including invisibilization, sexist humor, micromachismos, sexist advertising and sexist everyday language itself.

The project begins with a collective exhibition of posters as an advertising campaign that can be seen in the Hall Solidari of the UPV, and can also be found in the various schools and research centers, as well as in social networks through instagram: @tacticaspublicas. The following hastags have been used:

to give greater visibility to the project, which goes beyond the limits of the university and projects itself into the public sphere.

The image is a fundamental factor in questioning our symbolic language, which is why public intervention leads to the criticism of stereotypes and macho linguistic licenses that are assumed and made invisible within families, religions, education, oral culture and advertising itself, which has become the most drastic form of educating in inequalities.

Therefore, the exhibition reflects on how we use language and approaches Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG), to achieve GENDER EQUALITY to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls, as a basic human right that helps promote economic growth and development globally.

This artistic intervention on the UPV campus, sponsored by the Vice Rectorate for Students, Culture and Sport within the PAC Grants, not only criticizes gender roles, making visible and ironizing about the inequalities generated by the normalized use of sexist language, but also prioritizes and proposes the use of inclusive language, questioning the RAE itself.

More information:
Instagram: @tacticaspublicas
Facebook: Public Tactics