Resolution PRECREA 2024

The Valencian public universities have announced the winners of the PRECREA prizes awarded for the year 2024. This joint recognition highlights excellence in the arts, creativity, music and literature.

The awards and their respective recipients are:

  • Carles Santos Performing Arts AwardSol Picó Monllor, awarded by the Universitat de València.
  • Juana Francés Prize for Plastic and Visual ArtsNatividad Navalón Blesa, awarded by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
  • José María Yturralde Design and Technological Creativity AwardGabriel Songel González, awarded by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
  • Isabel-Clara Simó Prize for Literary Creation and TranslationTeresa Broseta Fandos, awarded by the University of Alicante.
  • Matilde Salvador Music PrizeJacaranda, awarded by the University Jaume I of Castellón.

These awards reflect the commitment of the universities to the promotion of knowledge, innovation and culture in the Valencian area, contributing to social welfare and cultural and artistic progress.