Call for En Acció exhibition

We are resuming the En Acció project in collaboration with the UPV Social Action Area and with all those people who are part of the student body or teaching staff of the last years of undergraduate, master’s and doctoral courses currently being studied at the UPV linked to the artistic field and who wish to participate by lending small format works to maintain the dual purpose of this proposal:

  • To offer the university community the possibility of acquiring works of art at reduced prices.
  • To allocate the amount raised to the people affected by the DANA, through the initiatives created by Valencia Food Bank

The following procedure is established to organize the assignment of works:

  • Each participant may bring as many works as he/she deems appropriate.
  • The exhibited pieces will be on sale at symbolic prices determined by the authors.
  • The technique and theme are free, being the Cultural Action Area responsible for the exhibition set-up. It is recommended that the pieces presented have reduced dimensions to favor their exhibition and acquisition.
  • Lhe works must be deposited from November 26 to December 5 at the Space n-1 located on the first floor of the Central Library building (4L). The delivery timetable will be from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. A small technical form will be filled out upon delivery.
  • The exhibition will run from December 9 to 20.
  • Works not acquired during the exhibition must be picked up from January 7 to 9 at Space n-1, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. As there is no storage space available beyond these dates, the Cultural Action Area cannot be held responsible for works that have not been picked up.
    We hope that this initiative will be of interest to you and that you will be encouraged to participate.