[2017-18] Dijous de pel·lícula 2017

“Diàlegs inesperats”.

Every Thursday a film will be screened at the Casa del Alumno, in a room prepared for the occasion. Each session will be presented and briefly commented, at the end of the projection, by Javier Moral Martín, professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, film critic and theorist.

Sometimes, a chance encounter can lead to more interesting conversations than those that are premeditated. Sometimes, putting two distant films in dialogue can lead to unexpected dialogues that allow us to talk about different things, or perhaps about the same old things but from a different perspective.

“Unexpected Dialogues” is a film series that proposes an improvised conversation between films of different status whose only common link is their year of production, apparently. Selected in pairs, every two sessions we will test two films, their stories and the view of the world they project from a certain date.