Date: February 13th to March 7th, 2019
Collective assembly: February 11th and 12th
Venue: Building of the School of Architecture. ETSA UPV
FEM is a project carried out by a group of independent students whose main purpose is to vindicate the relationship between art and architecture within the framework of a school with a strong technical vocation. Without any kind of requirement for the presentation of the works or proposals, nor any judgment about them, the exhibition starts with the intention of welcoming and making visible all the artistic concerns developed in parallel to the academic work, as well as the exploration and appropriation of the common spaces of the school.
Through a diffusion based mainly on social networks, the exhibition always has a very positive reception that allows to consolidate a cultural program that brings over three weeks performances, concerts, debates and artistic interventions. Not only the students, faculty and staff of the school itself participate in the call; students of Fine Arts, Industrial Design, Philosophy or Graphic Design joined the initiative.
The result: a school of architecture that doesn’t look like a school of architecture. Or maybe it does. During this space of time, there is a break within the rigorous monotony – a parenthesis – in which the usual scenario is totally altered by the reminder of the effervescence intrinsic to the desire to learn, which should be more latent in a school than anywhere else.
Objective exposure
can only occur in
a blank space,
Therefore, in this
edition of “Fem“
will work as the only
element the vacuum.
Seeking confrontation
direct between space and
user by means of the echo, the
exposure will be configured to
itself through
of the dialogue of those who
you decide to do it.
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