[PAC 2019] Film Lessons: Nacho Ruipérez

Date: February 28th, 2019
Time: from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Conference Room 1 of the Gandia Campus

David Moreno, student of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication at the UPV, organizes the lecture series ‘Film Lessons’, at the Gandia Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València, with the support of the Deputy Directorate of Campus Culture, Campus Alumni Delegation, the Chair of Innovation and the call for Proposals for Cultural Actions (PAC) UPV – 2019.

The cycle Lecciones de cine provides the vision of professionals from different areas of the film world.The objective: direction, production, scriptwriting, animation…  Its objective:  facilitate direct contact with film professionals, especially students of the Audiovisual Communication Degree and the Double Degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering Sound and Image and Audiovisual Communication, of the Campus of Gandia of the UPV. Attendance is free for anyone interested.

José Pozo, director of animated films and also of real image, screenwriter and  film producer, was the first of the speakers of the cycle.  His conference was held on Monday, February 4, at 12.30 pm, in the Conference Room 1 of the Gandia Campus.

The series also includes lectures by UPV graduates, such as Nacho Ruipérez, graduate in Audiovisual Communication and  director of the film The disinterment and Mari Carmen Cambrils, graduated in Fine Arts and renowned animator in 2 dimensions. Art direction, acting, screenwriting and directing will be the protagonists of the following talks of the cycle Lecciones de cine.

Nacho Ruipérez:Director winner of the Valencian audiovisual award as best director for his debut film “El Desen0erro”, a former student of the Gandia Campus, comes to talk about his time at the university and how his career has taken off to the point where he is now.

Responsible for the activity: David Moreno