Dates: May 10th and 11th, 2019
Venue: Auditorium of the UPV School of Computer Science.
Registration through the web
Food, along with its social practices and the technical procedures linked to it, are transversal to culture, and in a bidirectional way, culture is also bidirectional with food. In this sense, museums as an instrument for cultural management, due to their mimetic nature, have gradually incorporated food in their exhibition discourses, and others have emerged -both in the public and private sectors- that deal with food in a specific way, focused on revaluing, promoting or disseminating certain products. To this cultural fact must be added that food and all its material and symbolic universe is beginning to be considered as an integral part of the cultural heritage of a country, community or particular group, as is the case of the Mediterranean diet, which since 2013 is included -like so many other food practices- in the List of Intangible Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO, representing countries such as Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Greece, Italy, Morocco and Portugal.
Therefore the celebration of the conference on food heritage, museums and cultural industries is an event that wants to accompany this global process, aiming to be a space for dialogue, confrontation of ideas, experiences & nbsp;; and concepts where you can & nbsp; know different actions that are carried out in the world of food heritage management and museology to disseminate, promote and safeguard this type of & nbsp; heritage. On this occasion, cultural managers from museums in Italy, Switzerland and Spain, among others, will meet, as well as several representatives of museums in the Valencian Community dedicated to food.
Organized by: Department of Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and Art History (DCADHA).
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