International Student Festival, since its inception in 2013 as a non-competitive student showcase, short films by students from all over the world have participated: Spain, Denmark, Chile, Japan, United Kingdom, India, Germany, Mexico, Estonia or Canada. Professionals of the stature of Joanna Quinn, Pablo Llorens, Priit Pärn, Gil Alkabetz, Osbert Parker, Alberto Vázquez and Silly Walks Studio, among others, collaborated. And students have been able to review their projects and portfolios with great animation professionals in different sectors.
After four editions celebrating World Animation Day, the international exhibition of student short films Prime the Animation! was transformed last year 2017 into a festival and was a success.
Prime the Animation! International Student Festival is possible thanks to the work of students and professors of Animation of the UPV, is organized by the Universitat Politécnica de València, the Filmoteca de Valencia, La Nau and the Master in Animation UPV, also collaborating the Cultural Activities Area, the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Department of Drawing and Spartan Generation of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
The festival aims to generate a meeting place where students, emerging authors and authors can show their work, network and learn from contact with animation professionals in addition to incorporating the competition of short films, projects and portfolios / presentation reels for all students and schools, both national and international, as well as the debut films of emerging directors.
The festival awards three prizes: Jury Prize, Audience Award and Miquel Guillem Award. to the best experimental animation. The prizes will consist of one year of free distribution through the platform Movibeta. In the call for projects and portfolio/demo reelThe selected participants will have the opportunity to present their work to the public, receiving the feedback of professionals. In addition, the festival includes activities, screenings, lectures and exhibitions of all kinds where the entrance is intended to be free for students. .
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