[PAC 2019] IV Conference on Art and Activism against Gender Violence

About art, photojournalism, illustration and social media


  • 9.00 a.m. ACCREDITATIONS
  • 9.30 a.m. PRESENTATION with Mª Rosa Puchades, Vice Rector of Social Responsibility and Cooperation and Mau Monleón Pradas as director of the conference and moderator.
  • 10.00 a.m. CONFERENCE “Photojournalism and feminism” by Eva Máñez.
  • 11.15 a.m. CONFERENCE “Resilience as a story: from the work of art to the exhibition assembly” by Marisol Salanova.
  • 12.30 p.m. TELECONFERENCE “The importance of the voice” by Sara Fratini.
  • 13.45 p.m. QUESTIONS, CONCLUSIONS AND CLOSING OF THE CONFERENCE with Mª Rosa Puchades, Mau Monleón, Felicia Puerta, Laura Mars, Asociación Alanna, Eva Máñez, Marisol Salanova and Sara Fratini.

Addressed to:Students, teachers, specialists in gender violence, artists, other art professionals, members of associations, members of platforms, victims of gender violence, activists, women and men.

Free registration:
Obtaining an official certificate by sending an email with full name and ID number to arteyactivismocontraviolencia@gmail.com November 20th inclusive.
A total of 6 hours of specific activities will be recognized in the PhD Art: Production and Research of the UPV. Limited capacity. Admission by order of registration. Free admission until full capacity is reached for non-registrants.

Inside the Gender, Equality and Diversity Week, UPV

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