Date: November 28th, 2019
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Venue: Alfons Roig Auditorium. Faculty of Fine Arts (UPV)
Free admission until full capacity is reached
Cultural mediation talk with musical examples, lasting approximately 1 hour, about Leonardo da Vinci’s work as a musician, inventor of musical instruments and connoisseur of elements of musical composition that today are considered in the study of musical semiotic signs.
Samir Suez lutenist and musicologist. He began his studies in Chile, where he graduated in Music Arts and Sciences with the highest honors, at the Catholic University of Valparaíso.
In 2000 he traveled to Italy to perfect his lute and baroque guitar skills with Eduardo Eguez, Paul Beier and, in basso continuo, with Roberto Gini.
In 2007 he obtained the quadrennial diploma of specialization in Italian Music of the XVII Century, under the direction of Roberto Gini; in 2008, the diploma of Superior Interpreter in Laudes and Baroque Guitar. In 2014 he obtained the academic degree of Master in Musicological Research and, currently, he is working on his doctoral thesis in Solmisation, Semiotics and Musical Analysis at the School of Fine Arts of the UPV, under the direction of Álvaro Zaldívar and Miguel Corella.
Since 2003, he has been director of the group Il Palinsesto, with which, up to now, he performs concerts in Spain, Italy and France. He has participated in numerous ensembles and specialized orchestras, and currently holds several seminars on solmisation and theory of Renaissance music in Spain, Italy and Switzerland.
In 2014 part of his research was published by the publishing house Si Bemol for Spain and Latin America under the title The Solmisation. A tool for the interpretation of Renaissance and Baroque music..
Organizers: Artistic Company Il Palinsesto. French Association