Creativity Labs UPV LABS

Dates: March 5th, April 30th and October 15th, 2020
Schedule: From 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Place:  Casa del Alumno – Sala Ximo Mora (4K building)

Creative Lab 1: The voice as a tool — SOLD OUT !
Thursday, March 5th, 2020. Taught by Nabila Nubes

Creative Lab 2: Body and creativity
Thursday, April 30th, 2020. Taught by Edwin Valentín

Creative Lab 3: Image and movement
Thursday, October 15th, 2020. Taught by Ana Cembrero Coca

Language of the activity: Spanish
Registration: By e-mail confirmation to:

UPV LABS Creative Labs are a pool of ideas, an engine for innovation, encourage participation, generate shared knowledge and optimize talent. They act as a competitive advantage capable of maximizing the sources of learning, innovation and change of each organization. These spaces offer the possibility of discovering strengths and potentialities that often go unnoticed. They also make it possible to establish links between creativity and training, through joint research and participatory work. Construction participates through processes oriented to the transformation of reality and reflection.
The workshops are aimed at students, the entire university community and professionals from different disciplines.
The main objectives are to encourage creative and transversal thinking through experimentation, to discover personal creative skills and to activate a collaborative work network among students from different branches to promote innovation.

NABILA CLOUDS. Actress and theater teacher, coach and cultural manager at AndamioSteatro where she has been the creator of cultural projects with high social impact in her community. Founder of Casa AndamioSteatro, a space for the arts in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.

EDWIN VALENTÍN. He is a contemporary dancer, teacher and choreographer, with a degree in Physical Anthropology from the National School of Anthropology and History in Mexico City. He has participated in outstanding productions, as well as in festivals, competitions and meetings, achieving several awards.

ANA CEMBRERO COCA. Dancer, film director, choreographer and teacher. Graduated in ballet, contemporary dance and visual arts. Graduated in Fine Arts at the University of San Carlos UPV Valencia (Spain), and at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels, La Cambre (Brussels), with a specialization in Visual and Performing Arts.