Gender in dispute 30 years later

Location: Facultat BBAA: Webinar* Microsoft Teams.

Date: December 10th, 2020.


 – 11:00 Palomar Team (Mariokissme i R. Marcos Mota)

                 Fantasy construction

 – 12:30 Jesús Martínez Oliva 

               A vueltas con el género y el sexo: la inagotable caja de 

               butlerian tools 30 years after)

 – 16:30 Collective O.R.G.I.A (Tatiana Sentamans, Beatriz Higón and Carmen G. Muriana)

               Imaginary that Matters

– 18:00 Posada en comú

*Registration: up to and including 9/12/2020. Limited capacity. A certificate of attendance will be awarded.