Laser Talks València

The UPV is the first Spanish venue for the international program on art and science.

The program LASER Talks (Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous), based on international meetings of people from the world of art, science, humanism and technology, who interact with the public to provide knowledge and interdisciplinary dialogue, has established the first official venue in Spain at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), with the support of the Unitat de Cultura Científica i de la Innovació de la UV, the Piratas de la Ciencia association and the Centre del Carme de Cultura Contemporànea.

José Ramón Bertomeu and Salomé Cuesta, March 11th

The LASER Talks València program for 2022 consists of four talks. The first will take place next Friday, March 11, at 18:00 h, at the Centre del Carme de Cultura Contemporànea, with presentations by José Ramón Bertomeu Sánchez, chemist and director of the López Piñeiro Interuniversity Institute for the History of Science at the UV, and Salomé Cuesta, artist and vice-rector of Art, Science, Technology and Society at the UPV. To conclude the event, there will be a performance by the Valencian sound artist Martí Guillem.

LASER Talks València has been promoted by the Vice-Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society of the UPV, and is co-directed by an interdisciplinary team led by Moisés Mañas, artist and professor of Fine Arts at the UPV, and Guillermo Muñoz Matutano, researcher at the Institute of Materials Science of the UV and member of the Pirates of Science team.

The project lands in Valencia with the aim of promoting interdisciplinary relationships at the local level, without neglecting the strong international aspect of the LASER project. Therefore, the action aims to serve as a link to promote participation with other local and regional entities, and thus expand the impact of this international project in the local context.

Leonardo Network / ISAST

The network; Leonardo / ISAST is a non-profit organization created by astronautical engineering pioneer and kinetic artist Frank Malina in 1968, and represents the most relevant international society in the field of the relationship between art, science and technology. The creator’s son, Roger F. Malina (executive director of Leonardo magazine), was invested doctor honoris causa by the UPV in 2016.

The main mission of this international society continues to be to foster the interaction of the trinomial art, science and technology, generating inclusive and interdisciplinary networks and promoting cross-border and collaborative communities of knowledge.