Pedrós Esteban, Armand-Thierry; Taylor Noguera, Adrián; Piá Izquierdo, Francisco José (Nano).
This project works and reflects on the SDGs from two sculptural disciplines such as “carving” and “performance”. Specifically, it focuses on SDG4 ‘Quality education’, SDG12 ‘Responsible production and consumption’ and SDG15 ‘Life of terrestrial ecosystems’.
As members of the University Community we pursue and give special relevance to the task of awareness and training of students, promoting the acquisition of the necessary knowledge to promote sustainable development (SDG4). In addition, from both subjects we have worked with students on the need to include sustainability in artistic practices;
The “Sustainable Viewpoint” is a sculptural installation that represents the symbol of the UPV’s commitment to sustainability and good environmental practices;
Both the space where it is located and the Mirador itself, define a place for the use and enjoyment for the benefit of the university community. A space for outdoor interrelation in which to connect with the environment, sit, eat, lie down, talk, in short… interrelate or interact socially.
The sustainable gazebo is built with recycled material from ornamental stone waste (SDG12) which ultimately benefits the environment while preserving as much of the natural environment as possible as developed in (SDG15).