From September 30th to November 30th, 2022
The call PC_ACTS 2023 arises to respond to all those members of the university community who want to carry out activities of production and dissemination of cultural proposals related to art, science, technology and / or society during the year 2023. It is the aim of PC_ACTS to anchor culture in all areas of education, research and management of the Universitat Politècnica de València to “overcome the compartmentalization of knowledge and work in a transdisciplinary way” promoting groups that relate art, science and citizenship, or themes that require the connection of aesthetic, scientific and social solutions, which are formulated as inclusive and transformative proposals related to the SDG 2030 (Sustainable and Inclusive Development Goals). The selected cultural proposals will also function as a seedbed for future broader projects that point to new cultural dimensions for sustainable development policies.
The selection committee of the call PC_ACTS 2023, the initiative of the Cultural Action area of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), has chosen a total of 26 cultural proposals related to art, science, technology and/or society, which will be developed, with its support, during the present 2023.
Now, once the proposals have been selected, the Cultural Action Department will contact those responsible for each of them to inform them of how to access the allocated financial endowment.
PC_ACTS 2023 places special emphasis on linking the selected proposals to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations in its 2030 Agenda.
In this way, the aim is to promote groups that relate art, science, citizenship and any other subject that requires the connection of aesthetic, scientific and social solutions, advocating inclusive and transformative proposals that favor the SDGs.

Participation data:
64 applications submitted, 2 rejected, 26 selected, cost of implementation 31,533 euros
13 women (36 applications) / 13 men (26 applications)
9 students (20 applications) / 12 PDI (30 applications) / 3 PAS (10 applications) / 2 OTHER (2 applications, research personnel)
1 Alcoi (3 requests)/ 1 Gandía (5 requests) / 24 Vera (54 requests)