Movie Day
Every Thursday at 6:00 p.m. at the Student House
Coordinated by: Javier Moral MartínIn a historical moment in which the real seems to have been diluted in a magma of representational practices, it is a good time to discuss again what we agree to call reality. Among other questions, to ask ourselves about what relations exist between what is real and what simply seems real; or what links are established between the real and the objective; or even, what we can come to know of a reality that has already passed. A vueltas con lo real is proposed as an exploration of the problematic concept through cinema, disarticulating (or at least questioning) the traditional categories that have defined the history of the moving image. Is it that only documentary cinema can confront the real? Is it that fiction cinema cannot interrogate the world around us? On many occasions, the boundaries are crossed and the tasks are exchanged: the documentary can become fiction (or even make it its raison d’être) and, in turn, fiction can shed more light on the world than its opposite. Free admission until full capacity is reached O.V. with Spanish subtitles