III Awards for the Creation of Valencian Public Universities PRECREA
Awards Gala, Friday, February 3rd, 2023 at the University of Alicante.
The Valencian public universities, in compliance with the provisions of Article 1.2 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21st, 2001, on Universities, modified by the Organic Law 4/2007, of April 12th, 2007, in the sense that “the functions of the University at the service of society are: (a) The creation, development, transmission and criticism of science, technology and culture; (b) The preparation for the exercise of professional activities that require the application of knowledge and scientific methods and for artistic creation; (c) The dissemination, valorization and transfer of knowledge in the service of culture, quality of life, and economic development; (d) The dissemination of knowledge and culture through university extension and lifelong learning”, take on this mandate.
In view of the agreement of March 25th, 2022 published in DOGV. 9400 of August 8th, 2022 by which the III Awards for the Creation of the Valencian Public Universities (PRECREA) are announced.
In view of the agreement of the five Valencian public universities dated November 24th, 2022 by which the prizes were awarded in their different categories, it is agreed to publish the winners jointly:
- Carles Santos Prize for Performing Arts, awarded by the Universitat de València to D. Antoni Tordera Sáez.
- José M.ª Yturralde Prize for Design and Technological Creativity, awarded by the Universitat Politècnica de València to Ms. Marina Segarra García.
- Isabel-Clara Simó Prize for Literary Creation, awarded by the Universitat d’Alacant a D. Vicent Alonso i Catalina.
- Matilde Salvador Music Prize, awarded by the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló a Ms. Ana María Archilés Valls.
- Juana Francés Prize for Plastic and Visual Arts, awarded by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche to Ms. María Teresa Beguiristain Alcorta.
Elche, November 24th, 2022.- The Vice Rector for Culture and Society University of Valencia: Ms. Ester Alba Pagán; Vice Rector for Art, Science, Technology and Society Polytechnic University of Valencia: Ms. M. Salomé Cuesta Valera; Vice Rector for Culture, Sports and University Extension University of Alicante: Ms. Catalina Iliescu Gheorghiu; Vice Rector for Culture and Language University of Alicante: Ms. Catalina Iliescu Gheorghiu.ª Salomé Cuesta Valera; Vice Rector for Culture, Sports and University Extension University of Alicante: Ms. Catalina Iliescu Gheorghiu; Vice Rector for Culture and Languages and Society Jaime I University: Carmen Lázaro Guillamón; Vice Rector for Culture Miguel Hernández University of Elche: Tatiana Sentamans.