Photography and sculptural heritage


Schedule: From 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


4.00 p.m. — Theoretical session on basic concepts of photography: Technique, Composition, Color and Lighting.

5.30 p.m — Practical session of digital imaging according to the concepts taught in the theoretical session.

The workshop will last 3 hours and will be developed through a theoretical session in which the basic notions of photography will be taught (Technique, Composition, Color and Lighting) and a practical session in which digital images will be obtained by applying the concepts taught in the theoretical session.

WORKSHOP ALCOI | Friday, March 10th, 2023

Location:   IVAM CADA

                   c/ Rigobert Albors, 8 Alcoi

WORKSHOP GANDIA | Friday, April 21st, 2023

Place:   Casa de la Cultura Marquès de González de Quirós (Room B).

Passeig dels Germanies, 11, Gandia