Exhibition: “AMERICA GRAPH”.
From February 22rd to April 22rd, 2023
UPV Editorial Exhibition Space. Windows on the first floor of the 2F building.
Curated by: Miriam Del Saz and Antonio Alcaraz Universitat Politècnica de València
Gráfica América documents the legacy of printmaking in the Americas through works produced in different workshops, publishing houses and independent collectives in the United States, Mexico and Spanish-speaking countries of the Caribbean, Central and South America. The initiative addresses the challenges of globalization and paradigmatic change that societies are currently facing.
The exhibition was organized by the Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA), Long Beach, California -USA- and contemplates the collaborative spirit of printmaking from traditional publications to experimental works. As a representation, this collection of graphic works, directed by curators Gabriela Martínez (MOLAA) and Rogelio Gutiérrez (Arizona State University – School of Art), promotes the exchange between 32 artists who, as part of their research projects, represent contemporary activity in the field of Latin American printmaking. The Portfolio has been exhibited in:
- Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, California, USA.
- Museo del Grabado ICPNA, Lima, Peru.
- Workshop 99 of Santiago de Chile.
- Print Austin Texas, USA.
- 4th International Meeting of Graphics and Art Publishing, Campeche, Mexico.
- Editorial Exhibition Space UPV, Universitat Politècnica de València.
Alan Altamirano, Alejandro Villalbazo, Ana María Devis, Andrés Arízaga, Antonio Alcaraz, Carlos Barberena, Coral Revueltas, Dewey Tafoya, Fernando de León, Gabriela González, Herson Sapone, Humberto Saenz, Humberto Valdéz, Isabel Cauas, Jacob Meders, Jesús Barraza and Melani Cervantes, Jonathan Rebolloso, Jorge Crespo, Julio César Rodríguez, Liz Cohen, Lorena Pradal, Miriam del Saz, Norma Morales, Octavio Irving, Pepe Coronado, Poli Marichal, Rocío Rendón and Toño Nuñez, Sandra Fernández, Sergio Valencia, Yamilys Brito.