October 16 to 26, 2023
VENUE: Classroom 2.5 of the PPC of the UPV
HOURS: 30 hours
FORMAT: Classroom
From 16:00 to 20:00 hours every day:monday 16, tuesday 17, wednesday 18, thursday 19, monday 23 and tuesday 24
From 16:00 to 19:00 hours every day:wednesday 25 and thursday 26
Develop interactive multimedia practices oriented to the field of design, media or digital art.
Introduction to programming concepts and tools with scripting and visual programming languages such as: Processing, Sonic PI, Mosaic, VCV Rack e Hydra.
First steps in the territory of these languages oriented to the generative audiovisual creation for web, installations or live performance.
“The eyes only see what the mind is prepared to comprehend.”
Henri Bergson
Following that thought, we will eventually enter the realm of visual thinking, or better yet, the realm of imagination, where complex ideas can be communicated in a simple way, or quite the opposite.
TEACHER: Emanuele Mazza
Emanuele Mazza, artist and independent researcher at Laboratorio de Luz since 2005. He works on personal projects related to electronic art, such as d3sombra presented at Ars Electronica 2006, or on Light Lab research projects such as Light Modulator 3.0, presented at ZKM in 2009. He is the author of GAmuza and Mosaic, open source projects, hybrid applications between live-coding, visual programming and modular graphic software, specific for the development of digital art, audiovisual performances and for teaching in the field of electronic art. Since 2006 he is teaching different workshops on tools and development methods related to interactive art. He is a founding member of hackLab pluton, based in Valencia.
Introduction to programming concepts and visual programming, presentation of development environments, languages and tools oriented to the field of multimedia and interactive creation.
Detailed program information:https://creativecoding.d3cod3.org/
Contextualized laboratory practices by means of highlighted references and theoretical explanations.
Interested in the interactive capacity of the visual arts, performances, design or advertising