Tribute to Lazarillo de Tormes

Exhibition: “A tribute to Lazarillo de Tormes”

From May 18 to September 20, 2023
UPV Publishing Exhibition Space
First floor glazing of building 2F

Processes from the materiality of the book, literature and artistic edition

Curated by: Hortensia Mínguez García

A TRIBUTE TO LAZARILLO DE TORMES frames the fine creative process of a group of Valencian artists and printers to recover traditional printing processes in Artes Gráficas for the edition of La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades; an anonymous work of epistolary style published in Burgos (1554), considered by many, precursor of the modern picaresque and polyphonic novel.

Thanks to the direction and design of Antonio Alcaraz and Antonio Navarro and the unconditional support of the Drawing Department of the Fine Arts Faculty of the Universitat Politècnica de València, this new contemporary and illustrated edition of Lazarillo is an invaluable reference work of the high Spanish bibliophilia.

The richness of its visuality and fine finish is due to the direction of the editing project. Its texts were manually composed with Ibarra and Weiss lead type, from the now defunct Neufville Typographic Foundry. The printing was done on an Original Heidelberg press with blades from 1955. The result is a work of great visual richness that harmoniously articulates the chapter architecture of the novel with typographic compositions and images of the highest graphic quality.

The work -completed in May 2022 after three years of collaborative work- was published by deVera Press in a limited and signed edition of eighty numbered copies. Undoubtedly, a milestone of the current edition that allows us to make visible how from art it is possible to recover traditional editing processes and put them at the height of contemporary thought. Video of the process: