We are happy to invite you to the next seminar of Agroversitat, Laboratory of art, agroecology and critical pedagogies. The initiative will take place on Thursday, June 22nd at 17.30 h at the Limne Foundation (meeting point at C/ Pintor Ribera, entrance by the river).
We will start with a colloquium on Important World Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)The event will take place in the city of Buenos Aires, protection of the orchard and defense of the territory in which we will talk with Natalia Castellanos (agri-food dynamization technician) and LaFundició (cooperative that promotes collective artistic and cultural processes).
Afterwards, we will take a walk along the Turia riverbed and an experiential workshop in the collective orchards of L’Animeta.
Language: Spanish
Free activity with limited capacity and prior registration.
Registration form: https://forms.gle/UxUmzjECgVdsCjuF6
Project developed in the Artistic Residency Program Tierra Ciudadana, Vice-rectorate of Art, Science, Technology and Society UPV. https://acts.webs.upv.es/art-residency/blog/