Polytechnic Dialectics

Polytechnic Dialectics. An acoustic walk at the UPV

Polytechnic Dialectics, an experimental podcast on the Universitat Politècnica de València, will be released onOctober 1.

It seeks to create a dialogue between the University as a space, its environment and the people who compose it through soundscapes, acoustic walks, narratives and interviews. Its first chapter,Seeds and Limitsis an exploration of the origin of the university and its limits. A search to understand where the university begins and the city ends, where the university ends and l’horta begins. Does the fence that surrounds the UPV protect the university from the outside or the outside of the university? Dialécticas Politécnicas consists of four episodes in total, which will be published during the months of October and November and which you can enjoy on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts:

  • Seeds and Limits (October 1),
  • Neverland(October 16),
  • The Sound of Numbers(November 1) and
  • The End of the Polytechnic (on November 16).

The project, conceived, written and directed by Alberto Quintana GallardoThe project is funded by the Cultural Action Area of the Universitat Politécnica de València through the call PC_ACTS 2023 and is co-financed with funds from the Centro de Tecnologías Físicas. The rest of the team is composed by Lorena M. Yuste, Ignacio Guillén Guillamón and Elsa Moreno Calabuig. Emilio Álvarez Lahiguera, Carlos Obra Lorente, Hálex Masiá, Raúl Terol Bolinches and Víctor Gallego Albiach are also participating.

Each day’s podcasts can be listened to through the following platforms:

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