Queer Models

Queer Models. Twisted self-representations

An exhibition that explores the construction of gender and sexuality from a transfeminist perspective through portraits of the community queer (leather) of València.

The title (Modelos queer) alludes not only to models that put, but to irreverent referents. These twisted self-representations are the fruit of practical and theoretical workshops on resistances and identity representations queerand performative practices related to gender and the construction of alter egos, performed by the duo artivistLa Erreria (House of Bent)The UPV in the framework of the call  PC_ACTS 2023.

The workshops traced a genealogy of sexual and gender dissidence with a focus on the practice of dragradical, which emerged in the 1970s with the sexual liberation movement and was defined by Stuart Feather of the Gay Liberation Front (Gay Liberation Front), as “a totally determined political and social provocation that confuses the rules of sex and gender established by compulsory heterosexuality”.

The sessions encouraged participants to question the gender binary system, explore their fantasies and create multiple representations of identities queerFrom a process of auto ethnography with a session of photographic portraits made by the visual artist Martin Kámen.

With the exhibition, we want to share the collaborative process and the results of the workshops with a wider public, to make sexual diversity visible and to fight against stereotypical and binary gender roles that oppress everyone.

More information: http://erreriahouseofbent.com