From 11 to 27 September 2023
HORES: 30 hores FORMAT: Presencial LANGUAGE: Castellà
SCHEDULE: Monday 11, Sunday 13, Sunday 15, Monday 18, Sunday 20 and Sunday 22 September from 5 to 9 p.m.; Monday 25 and Sunday 27 September from 5 to 8 p.m.
The idea is for each participant to improve their skills while exchanging and learning from their peers’ way of working and approaching cinema.
PROFESSOR: Tomás Aragay
Studied directing and dramaturgy at the Escola Superior d’Art Dramàtic (Institut del Teatre) in Barcelona.
Co-Screenwriter alongside Cesc Gay of films such as “Krampack”, “A la ciutat”, “Ficció”, “Blog”, “Blog”, “Una pistola en cada mà” or “Truman”. Blog”, “Una pistola en cada mà” or “Truman”. He won the Goya Award for best screenplay, the Feroç Award and the Royal Academy of Language Award for “Truman” and nominations for best screenplay at the Goya Awards in 2000 and 2002 and several awards at international festivals. In 2012 he won the Gaudí Award for best screenplay for “Una pistola en cada mà”. Award that he won again with “Truman”. He has written for television: “Jet lack” and “T de Teràpia” for TV3; “Felix” and “Històries per a no contar” for Moviestar. He is currently developing ideas for a series for Netflix and is in the process of writing a new script for a feature film.
Three basic tasks are carried out during the course:
- That each participant, individually or in teams, can initiate their own writing project.
- To share with the rest of the processes and problems of writing, generating a space of criticism, analysis and continuous exchange.
- Perform script analysis of different and distant films that propose specific and powerful dramaturgical approaches.
Active and collaborative, project based
All those professionals and non-professionals interested in cinematographic writing who have the desire and the need to learn and improve their technique, their look and their critical spirit in relation to writing and cinematographic art broadly understood.