The UPV will host the ceremony of the IV Awards for the Creation of the Valencian Public Universities PRECREA.
Date: Thursday, February 15
Venue: Assembly Hall, Faculty of Fine Arts. Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Time: 18:00 h
The Universitat Politècnica de València will host the ceremony of the IV edition of the PRECREA Awards, awards given by the five Valencian public universities to recognize and value their creative work. This year’s event will take place on Thursday, February 15, at 6:00 pm, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The event will be chaired by the rector of the UPV, Mr. José E. Capilla, and will be attended by Mr. Sergio Arlandis Lòpez, Director General of Culture of the First Vice-Presidency and Department of Culture and Sport, as well as the heads of the Vice Chancellors of Culture of the five organizing universities and the interventions of the winners.
Each university is responsible for awarding the prize in one of the five categories that make up the PRECREA Awards. Thus, the universities have decided to grant their awards for creativity in this IV edition to:
- Ms. Evangelina Rodríguez Cuadroswho will receive the Carles Santos Prize for Performing Arts, awarded by the University of Valencia;
- Radiant Light Art StudioThe company will receive the José M.ª Yturralde Award for Design and Technological Creativity, granted by the Universitat Politècnica de València;
- Mr. Jaume Pérez Montaner and Mr. Emili Rodríguez Bernabeuwho will receive the Isabel-Clara Simó Prize for Literary Creation, awarded by the University of Alicante;
- The Federation of Choirs of the Valencian Community (FECOCOVA)who will receive the Matilde Salvador Music Prize, awarded by the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló;
- Ms. Pilar Pedraza Martínezwho will receive the Juana Francés Prize for Plastic and Visual Arts, awarded by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
With these PRECREA Creation Awards, the five Valencian public universities recognize each year, “the meritorious work, quality of the works and their significance to the excellence and innovation of the Valencian cultural and artistic life” in the five established categories. The award winners will receive the sculpturePalatina with which these awards are identified, within the framework of a light installation created by Radiante Light Art Studio.

Ethereal Natures. Light art (2023). Radiant Light Art Studio